G Adventures

Art Direction / Campaign concepting

Video / OOH / Print ads / Digital ads


This campaign’s primary objectives were to increase brand awareness of G Adventures — an international small-group travel company — and to highlight the three emotional pillars of their product: life-changing travel experiences, quality interpersonal connections, and a meaningful impact on the places visited.

These objectives were met through design in two distinct ways: 1) through bold, expressive photography, and 2) a suite of assets featuring a combination of emotive, inspiring headlines and body copy, along with descriptive, strategic calls-to-action.

The photography used in this campaign captured the emotions travellers feel while experiencing different cultures and sharing these special moments with others, showcasing the joyous cornerstones of our group tours. It also portrayed travellers of all ages and backgrounds looking confident and empowered, communicating that G Adventures tours are meant for all.

The copy sought to capture our three pillars in a way that transcended travel — speaking to the human need for fulfilling experiences, connections, and means of giving back to others. Supporting copy then connected these emotional pillars back to the product by highlighting key elements such as the flexibility of the itineraries, the size of their groups, and G Adventures’ commitment to responsible travel.

Client: G Adventures
Creative Director: Kyle Jordan
Lead Art Director: Ashley Luppe
Lead copywriter: Michael Turnbull
Art Director & Designer: Luan Pirola
Photography: Shereen Mroueh


National Geographic Family Journeys

